Some weeks ago I felt like I had the revelation of a lifetime, concerning this thing about boys’ and girls’ respective responsibility in a relationship.
As is wellknown, we are different. Sometime more different than we come to think of. Especially when it comes to the physical side. My, and many other girls’ experience is that it is most often the boy who takes initiative in the pfysical arena. Girls often feel that they have to take responsibility totally on their own, and saying ‘no’ is not always easy.
But when I heard of a couple at Bethel School of Ministry (for those of you who are familiar with this Bible school in the US) my mind was really enlightened concerning one specific detail. This couple had done their first year out of three at the Bible school and started dating. During the summer it so happened that they started sleeping together and ended up pregnant. When the new semester started, they were convinced they were going to be kicked out of the school. As they approached their leader he asked,
- ”So, what’s the problem?” The couple looked confused at each other.
- ”Did you not tell him...?”
- ”What do you mean ‘what’s the problem’? We are pregnant...” Teh leader answered:
- ”Yes, that’s the consequence, but what is the PROBLEM?”
As the continued talking, they boy started revealing how he often had an urge to go home in the evenings after spending the day together with his girlfriend. But since the girl felt so rejected, he would stay a little longer and then one thing would lead to the next.
And it hit me like a lightning bolt that this is what so often happens! Girls have a big wound on the inside in general which expresses itself in a huge fear of being rejected and left alone. That is our sin as girls, that we do not put our hope in Jesus as our faithful lover. Boys alo have a responsibility not to fall for this, but it really helped me to see that girls also play an important part in why it so often goes wrong, and boys play another part that looks completely different.
I feel the constant need of repenting from my fear, to seek healing from my inner wounds and trust that God is my protection and my fighter.
(Concerning the couple at Bethel School of Ministries, they got married and already before the baby was born there were many prophetic words spoekn over her. That is the power of grace.)
My ex roommate Unity from Zimbabwe always answers the question about how she is doing with,
-”Me? Oh me, I’m blessed!”
This morning at base worship, Stefaan (who is still our base director until September) spoke about how blessed we are on this base and how he sometimes walks around among the cars and sees the BMWs, Audis and so on. For his part, his new car arrived this morning and now the family is waiting on God to show them who they are supposed to give their old car to. They have given away six cars. As for me, I have strongly felt during the last few weeks that I need to give away my camera that I bought last year. The thought makes me SO HAPPY, and now I’m waiting for the right moment.
And remember nobody receives a salary here, but everybody is living out of the YWAM principle of ”relationship based support”. So this morning, Stefaan called all those trusting God for a car to the front, and those who have a car prayed for them. Then he called all those who are trusting God to buy a house in Worcester to the front. After that people started telling sotories of how God has provided for them in big and small things.
Stefaan also spoke about how poverty and wealth are spiritual things and how are thoughts must be renewed according to the principles of the Kingdom of God. A while ago Jesus spoke to me from Ps. 37 and the life of Jacob in the Old Testament. According to the word of God the righteous man is the one who GIVES - and ever generously. The position of the righteous is a position of giving. The righteous man is also smart about his wealth. This is a promise from God and it is also an ATTITUDE that we as the righteous ones must develop.
So, how am I doing today? Me? I’m blessed!
The last few weeks have been very busy here in Worcester. Busy but good. And our base director, Stefaan, has announced he is leaving - of good cause. He says everything God called him to do in Worcester has been fulfilled and it is time to move on. The last thing to take place is REVIVAL. A revival in the style of Andrew Murray's, whose revival actually broke out here in Worcester, for those who are interested in church history.
During almost two years, preparations for something very special has been made: Impact World Tour (IWT). The IWT is a YWAM ministry using extreme sports, dance, music and professional stage production to reach out in a relavant way to this generation with the gospel. What impresses is the preparations and follow-up. An international coordinator has been here on-off for almost two years to work with the local churches: make them work together and train them to receive new people.
Already during the three first evenings 700 people received Jesus and had their names written down in order for individual contact persons to get in touch with them afterwards and see to it that they find a local church and are discipled. The DTS has been proud to be a little part of it, praying with people at the altar call and filling in forms with people's contacts.
The week before Easter the campaign still needed 300.000 rand (30.000 euros). IWT is a big campaign, but it also gave fruit. At least Stefaan is convinced that Revival has come to Breede Valley, where we live!
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