Great times.

18.5.2012 13:15
One of this week's devotions in my class was about the goodness of God. (Ja, it's a topic I don't think they can get too much of.) I had them meditate on a quote by Francois Du Toit, saying,
Jesus didn't come to persuade an angry God
Jesus came to persuade a hostile humanity about the goodness of God
Two different theological fractions colliding right there. But there is nothing that triumphs over the goodness of God!
Jesus was ministering to my spirit that morning, saying that he is not out to fix us - our morals and our brokenness - but he wants to lavish us with his love and his goodness. And true enough, healing and wholeness will take place in his showering us with love, but it' not his primary purpose.
And again I'm thinking about the word so often translated 'wrath' in the Bible... the word that actually means passion. God is not angry (Is. 27:4a). Even over the wicked he pours out his passion - and that is what becomes so tormenting for some. Like Paul says, To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. (2 Cor. 2:16) It's the same fragrance, just experienced differently depending on where you're standing.
Another thing he whispered to me was,
"If I'm good, Nanna, what does that make you?" And I knew what he was getting at. 1John 4:17 - as he is so am I in this world.
Taggar: grace talk

Dr. Nanna Rosengård

. stolt finlandssvensk . missionär tidigare stationerad i Sydafrika, nu i Aten . älskar att möta människor hjärta-mot-hjärta . fascinerad av språk, kultur och identitet . intresserad av en hälsosam livsstil . gräver gärna i rabatter om tillfälle ges . extrem-exalterad över att Jesus har befriat oss för att leva i frihet (t.ex. från fördömelse, förväntningar och synd) . ogillar att stå inför stora grupper men sjunger ändå emellanåt (mindre nu än förr) . doktor i teologi/judaistik . känner skaparglädje tillsammans med min Canon 7D .

Jag lever för att andra ska få känna mer liv. Jag önskar vara mer medveten om Jesus närvaro överallt och i alla och hjälpa andra att erfara Hans befriande närvaro och nåd.


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